Workpackage 2 (Curricula reform and arrangements for Double Degree master programmes)

Start: 7th month

End: 12th month

Duration: 6 months

The aim of this WP is to reform master curricula in Finance at Russian HEIs based on the guidelines developed in WP 1.

The objectives are as follows:

1) To modernize master curricula in Finance in line with the Bologna requirements. The latest international developments in the finance sector will be reflected (e.g. Basel III, risk management, crisis prevention).

2) To update learning objectives, teaching methods, teacher's qualification standards and leaning resources needed.

3) To adapt of curricula according to labour market needs based on the outcomes of WP 1.

4) To negotiate bilateral agreements on double degrees (DD) between Russian and EU HEIs (these agreements will cover topics such as recognition arrangements, mobility paths, required courses and credits (ECTS), examination requirements, joint thesis supervision, awarded degrees).

To ensure a common understanding of Bologna requirements a workshop with participation of all partners will be conducted. The more detailed reforms and arrangements for the DD will be worked out on a bilateral through on-going virtual communication (e-mail, Skype). Monitoring and evaluation of the progress will be carried out by the WP-leader. Individual partners have to report to the WP-leader on a monthly basis on the progress in negotiations. Specific advice regarding the Bologna process will be provided by EU HEIs.

Modernised master curricula and DD agreements are planed to be finalized by the end of November 2014. Quality control of the related deliverables will be undertaken by the "Quality Control Panel" of the project (see WP 6 for more details).